How to make our vision real?
We’re thrilled that you’re interested in supporting Bring the Dead Back-project and thereby helping us make our vision a reality. Your involvement can make a significant difference, and there are several ways you can contribute to our cause.
Study the book carefully
While reading the book, think about it carefully so that you understand the core ideas well enough to complete one or more of the following activities:
Spread the Word
One of the most powerful ways to support us is to simply talk about our ideas. Share what you’ve learned from our book with your friends, family, and social networks. Your enthusiasm and word-of-mouth recommendations help us reach more people who might be interested in our vision.
Connect with Us on Social Media
Follow us on Instagram for updates, behind-the-scenes content, and more. Engaging with our posts, sharing them with your followers, and using our hashtags helps us build a community around our ideas and spread our message further.
Put Up Posters and Stickers
If you’re passionate about our cause, consider putting up posters and stickers in appropriate places around your community. This not only helps us get noticed but also shows that you believe in what we’re doing. We can provide you with materials or guide you on where to find them.
Volunteer Your Time
If you have more time to spare, we’d love to have you as a volunteer. Whether it’s helping organize events, managing our social media, or other tasks, your support can help us reach new heights.
Your support, in any form, is deeply appreciated and vital to the success of Bring the Dead Back. Together, we can bring our vision to life and make a meaningful impact. Thank you for your generosity and commitment!
Financial Support
For those who can, a donation is incredibly helpful. You can make a donation here.

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